The Rarest Items in Minecraft are also the most useful. They will provide you with the most utility in the long term and it is worth going out of your way to obtain them.
Minecraft has tons of blocks, resources, and items that players use to survive, evolve, and get stronger. That being said, there are categories for each of those items. Some are rare and some are easy to obtain. However, given the nature of games, the rarest items are also going to have the most utility.
Besides, searching and acquiring them is a fun thing you can do if you are bored in the game. That is why, we will take a look at 10 of the rarest and most useful items in Minecraft. We will also show you how to obtain them so you can get searching right away.
Remember, you will need to be strong enough to survive locations like the End Cities, Shipwrecks, Ocean Ruins, and so on to acquire these items so ensure that you are prepared. Without further ado, let us dive right in.
(Note: The way to get the items are listed along with them in the same section, make sure not to miss them)
- Top 10 Rarest Items in Minecraft and How You Can Obtain Them
- 10. Elytra
- 9. Dragon’s Breath
- 8. Nether Star
- 7. Totem of Undying
- 6. Heart of the Sea
- 5. Conduit
- 4. End Crystal
- 3. Enchanted Weapons and Armor
- 2. Dragon Egg
- Honorable Mentions
- 1. Enchanted Golden Apple
Top 10 Rarest Items in Minecraft and How You Can Obtain Them
Before we get into the list, you should know that we are going to put the rarest cosmetic-only items in the honorable mention section of the list which is right before the first pick. You can scroll over there to see which ones made it in. That being said, these rare items have really specific but important uses in the game.
Most of them require a higher level of understanding of the game in addition to better equipment and lots of XP. It will really help if you know your way around the game because these items have lots of potential and can unlock a whole new realm of possibilities for you in Minecraft. Without further ado, let us check out the list.
10. Elytra
The Elytra was added to the game very early. However, you can only get it by making it to the endgame. You can find this item by exploring the End Ships. These things let players fly in the game. Think of them like the Icarus Wings from God of War II.
You can find these wings after defeating the End Dragon and going upland to the End Cities. From there you will venture over to the treasure room of the End Ships but beware of the Shulker mobs. In the treasure room, you will find the Elytra hanging on a wall like a trophy.
You can repair the Elytra using Phantom Membranes and even put enchantments on it. Although be careful while flying because there is a high chance of you dying of fall damage.
9. Dragon’s Breath
The Dragon’s Breath is an uncommon item you can use to make Lingering Potions. However, acquiring it won’t be as difficult as you think because to get it you will have to battle Ender Dragon itself and that is easier said than done. First, you will have to be strong enough to face it, second, you will need to have enough awareness to collect the Breath when fighting the dragon.
Ensure you carry glass bottles when you are going to fight the Dragon and then scoop the Dragon’s Breath after dodging the dragon’s attack that has purple clouds coming out of it. You can now make Lingering Potions with this Dragon’s Breath. They are really powerful items that leave enemies status effects when they get into the cloud that the potion leaves.
8. Nether Star
A Nether Star at a distance might not appear as useful but it can be used to craft a Beacon which is really important. A Beacon can provide a variety of passive buffs to players depending on how they have utilized it. Most people place it on top of a pyramid which then provides buffs such as speed, jump boost, strength, and so on.
To acquire a Nether Star you will need to slay the Wither boss which is a tall task. However, there are no complicated steps, slay the Wither and acquire the dropped Nether Star, simple as that.
7. Totem of Undying
Judging by the name, we are pretty sure you can tell how important this item is. This uncommon item can provide one crucial benefit to the holder. It prevents you from dying and it can be acquired by facing the evokers and defeating them. You can find these evokers in Woodland Mansions and also in Raids.
The lucky part is that every evoker drops one Totem upon death. When players have the totem equipped and they take fatal damage, they won’t die because the Totem will heal their hearts and provide defense buffs. Without a doubt, this is one of the most useful items to use when taking on bosses like the Warden, the Ender Dragon, and more.
6. Heart of the Sea
The Heart of the Sea is one of the most important items to obtain that will change the way you explore the water. With it, you can craft a Conduit which we will talk about in the next section. Another reason why this resource is so rare is that you cannot craft it. You can only find it in buried treasures, which are found in shipwrecks and ocean ruins. Find a Treasure map and those will be marked as a Red X on it.
However, to easily find buried treasure without having a map, you need to feed raw cod or salmon to a dolphin which will then lead you directly to the treasure’s location.
5. Conduit
Once you find a Heart of the Sea, you can use it to craft a Conduit. A Conduit is something that will be invaluable to you underwater. It is a beacon block that attacks enemies underwater and gives conduit power. The conduit power will restore the player’s oxygen levels, gives underwater night vision and it also increases the mining speed by a lot.
These conduits also damage hostile underwater mobs like the drowned, guardians, and elder guardians. However, first, you will need to activate it. To do so, it needs to be in the center of 3x3x3 water blocks. Whenever you head towards an underwater body, ensure that you have these conduits on hand.
4. End Crystal
If you have taken on the Ender Dragon, you might know about the End Crystal. You can place this crystal on an obsidian and make it explode which does a lot of damage. You might have seen this same trick being utilized by lots of players in their fights against Ender Dragon.
Players can make the End Crystal with Glass, the Eye of the Ender, and the Ghast Tear. This Crystal heals the Ender Dragon which is undoubtedly one of the most annoying parts of the bossfight. That is why players resort to destroying them whenever they get a chance.
3. Enchanted Weapons and Armor
Enchanted Weapons are better than regular weapons because they have passive buffs attached to them. These passive buffs help the weapons and armor last longer or perform better. To acquire these items you would need to have an enchanted book and then infuse it with the weapon or armor piece.
However, you can also see a weaponsmith acquire enchanted weapons in exchange for emeralds. You can also acquire them by killing zombies but the gear you get and the enchantments on them will be random.
2. Dragon Egg

This is the only trophy item in the main list. It is a cosmetic that unfortunately does not hatch and make a baby dragon. Although there are mods you can download for that. You can obtain this trophy by defeating the Ender Dragon. You can get a portal to Minecraft open, the Egg will be near it.
However, you cannot just approach and farm it with a pickaxe. First, you will need to push it off the pedestal with a piston. When the Egg is dropped, it becomes a solid item and you can then pick it up. For the Java Edition, it only generates once (twice for the Bedrock one)
Honorable Mentions
- Banner Patterns
- Music Discs
- Heads
1. Enchanted Golden Apple
Last but certainly not least, we are going to pick the Enchanted Golden Apple which is the rarest item in Minecraft. You might have heard of the Golden Apple but this one is even rare than that. Just a cut above the Golden Apple, this one provides lots of status effects that will be useful for you in almost any boss fight.
You cannot craft this item, only obtain it through chests from dungeons, mineshafts, Bastion Remnants, Desert Temples, Ruined Portals, and more. They provide passive buffs like resistance, absorption, fire resistance, and regeneration. The Golden Apples have a 1 to 7% chance of spawning in the locations mentioned above.
That is all you need to know about the rarest items in Minecraft. If you liked this list, perhaps you’d like some of our others. Click here to check them out.