Which is better, Phantom or Vandal? Take a look at the pros and cons for both and what pro players think about it.
Valorant is Riot Game’s Five-Person Tactical shooter. Despite its release last year, Valorant has gained a lot of popularity due to its distinctive gunplay and each agent having unique abilities.
Talking about Gunplay, the eternal ongoing debate in valorant is which gun is better, the Phantom or the Vandal?
The most used guns in Valorant are the rifles which are a set of 2 guns, the Vandal and the Phantom. Both can be bought with 2,900 credits and are used in the main rounds. Each has its own pros and cons which makes them op(overpowered) in their own right.
Let us compare the numbers on paper before proceeding.
Fire Mode Auto
Fire Rate 11 rounds/sec
660 RPM
Run Speed 5.4 m/sec
Equip Speed 1 sec
1st Shot Spread 0.2 deg
Reload Speed 2.5 sec
Magazine 30
Reserve 90 (3 magazines)

Fire Mode Auto
Fire Rate 9.75 rds/sec
585 RPM
Run Speed 5.4 m/sec
Equip Speed 1 sec
1st Shot Spread 0.25 deg
Reload Speed 2.5 sec
Magazine 25
Reserve 75 (3 magazines)
Pro Players Opinions over Phantom Vs Vandal
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We are all too familiar with Tyson “Tenz” Ngo. Let’s look at what he has to say about which gun is more superior.
Tenz talks about how Phantom is much more superior to a Vandal. As the only plus point about the Vandal is that it one-shot headshots at any range, whereas the phantom on the other hand has no bullet tracers. One-shot headshots people with medium armour and has a better fire rate.
To conclude, if you are a precision aimer who does not spray much, Vandal is the obvious choice. It has an uncanny resemblance to the AK platform. On the other hand if you the spray control aficionado, always go for the Phantom.