Teleporting is a much more convenient mode of transportation rather than riding a mob or walking. There are a few easy steps you can use to teleport in Minecraft.
There are many ways of travel in the game. If you are feeling adventurous you can hop on a mob like a Horse or in the case of the upcoming update, a Camel and then travel where you want. However, if you want to make it there faster, you will need to know how to teleport.
A lot of veteran players use the teleportation feature to save their time and travel to various biomes in seconds. There are two primary ways of teleporting in the game. Let us break them down.
- 2 Ways to Teleport in Minecraft
- Using a Nether Portal: What is Needed and How to Do It
- Using the TP Command
2 Ways to Teleport in Minecraft
There are two primary ways you can use to teleport in the game. They do not require extremely rare materials and are easy to follow through. The first way is to use a Nether Portal, but it has its drawbacks as well.
The second and the most efficient way is to use the TP command which we will show you how to use. It will get you exactly where you want to go if you know what you are doing.
Using a Nether Portal: What is Needed and How to Do it

A Nether Portal connects the Overworld and the Nether together. Making it requires simple ingredients. However, there are certain parameters you must adhere to so you can correctly make it. Firstly, you will require lots of obsidian blocks.
You can make obsidian by digging a hole and then putting a bucket of water and lava in the pit. The parameters for making a portal are simple. The portal must be at least 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high, meaning you will require 14 blocks.
Once you make them in the shape shown above you will need flint and steel. We have a tutorial to make it if you don’t know how. Once you make the flint and steel, approach the portal, place your crosshair at the bottom block of the portal, and use it. It will open a portal.
The only drawback of this portal is that you can only use it to go to the Nether.
Using the TP Command
This is the best method you can use to Teleport because it is efficient, quick, and does not require anything except the coordinates of the place you want to go.
First, open the chat window by pressing T. Now type in these commands:
- /tp [player] [x] [y] [z]
In the [player] name write down your player/username and then for the [x] [y] [z] commands, write down the coordinates of the place you want to go. These are the simplest steps to teleporting in the game.
You can combine this feature by finding out the coordinates for your favorite Minecraft seeds and then inputting them in the command. This will immediately let you teleport over there without any issues.
There you have it folks! That is all you need to know about teleporting in Minecraft. Now you can travel faster than the speed of light. For more Minecraft content, click here.