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Stephen Curry, Who Received a Valuable $100 Lesson From Sonya Curry, Shares Beautiful Story About Daughter Riley

Raahib Singh

Stephen Curry, Who Received a Valuable $100 Lesson From Sonya Curry, Shares Beautiful Story About Daughter Riley

Stephen Curry is one of the best basketball players in the world. The 6’2 Warriors’ guard is not only a 4x NBA Champion but also someone who redefined how the game of basketball is played. He’s won many individual accolades, including a Finals MVP, 2x NBA MVP, 8x All-Star, and NBA’s 3-Point Champion.

Apart from his life on the court, Steph also leads a very successful life off of it. He married his childhood friend, Ayesha Curry. Together, they have three children, Riley, Ryan, and Canon. Riley is ten, and became a fan favorite when she used to attend post-game conferences during the Warriors’ early success.

In 2018, Steph and the Warriors won their third championship in four years. After the season, Steph was called by the Player’s Tribune for a special kind of interview.

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Stephen Curry shares a cute Riley story with Neymar Jr.

When Stephen Curry and Neymar Jr. got together for a one-of-a-kind interview, they talked about a lot of things together. The two discussed winning, gaining respect from the game’s legends, injuries, and more.

The interviewer asked both Steph and Neymar about being fathers and their favorite stories about their kids. Steph spoke first and talked about Riley.

“I tell you, as dads you probably have countless stories. Every day there is something funny. The funniest story, that’s the most consistent even to this day, with my oldest daughter Riley  … she’s six now.”

“She had a thing where, when she saw me with regular clothes, she called me either daddy or Stephen. Or, sorry, she called me daddy. But then when I put the jersey on I was always Stephen Curry, number 30. There’s a clear distinction between me wearing a jersey and playing basketball versus me just in my street clothes or at the house. And she called me by different names.”

Having seen her ever since she was a kid, Riley does feel like the child who would do something like this.

“And that was the point where I realized like, they notice everything about you. You can’t sneak anything behind them. So for her to kind of differentiate … I only say this as like a fan’s perspective, but almost just like that Warrior jersey, with number 30, that’s Stephen Curry, and he’s a different character, a different person than Daddy is….”

Kids absorb a lot from their parents, and this is the best example of the same.

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Steph’s $100 lesson from mother Sonya Curry

Steph grew up in an NBA household, with his father, Dell Curry, playing in the league for 16 seasons. Curry knew he wanted to grow up and be a basketball player like his father. Ever since his college days, Steph was a brilliant ball-handler and shooter. However, he had an area that was lacking—taking care of the ball.

When Steph made his way to the NBA, the situation did not improve. As a solution for the same, Sonya Curry came up with a plan. For every turnover after his third turnover, Steph had to pay his mother a $100 fine. This must have cost Steph a fortune, as his encounters with turnovers hasn’t really been well, even now.

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About the author

Raahib Singh

Raahib Singh


Raahib Singh is an NBA Journalist and Content Strategist at The SportsRush. A Computer Science Engineer by qualification, Raahib's passion for sports drew him towards TSR. He started playing basketball at 14 and has been following the NBA since 2013. His entry into the basketball world perfectly coincided with Stephen Curry putting the league on notice. Having followed the league for a long time, he decided to use his knowledge to become a sportswriter with The SportsRush in 2020. Raahib loves to put up some shots in his spare time, watch Cricket, Formula 1, and/or read a nice thriller.

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