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“Just Shut the F**k Up”: After Joe Rogan, UFC Legend Refutes Liver King’s Claims of Natural Physique

Anujit Vijayakumar

Joe Rogan Liver King

A prominent UFC legend has now aligned himself with Joe Rogan, claiming the ‘Liver King’ is under the influence of steroids!

The ‘Liver King’ rose to prominence in the early months of 2022 for his lifestyle and physique. His imploration of individuals to live their life according to our ancestral ways has earned him a cult over social media.

However, UFC pioneer, Joe Rogan, and legendary UFC fighter Chael Sonnen believe, rather than the social media phenom developing his physique naturally, the ‘Liver King’ has enhanced his physique with the help of steroids.

Responding to a question about the ‘Liver King’, Chael Sonnen gave a befitting response.

The user asked-

“Uncle Chael, can you please answer if Liver King is on roids?”

To which Sonnen responded-

“Ur joking? Yes he is.”

The fact remains that no matter how little or how many calories one consumes, depending on their objective, it remains impossible to maintain a physique that the ‘Liver King’ does, without the help of supplements.

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Joe Rogan and his perspective on Liver King!

Provided you find it difficult to digest the truth, why not ask world-renowned comic and martial arts personality Joe Rogan, who for the past couple of years, has expanded his base to inheriting much more knowledge about various subjects?

But this topic will be one wherein he will have a wealth of intelligence about, considering Rogan is an avid practitioner of martial arts and takes care of himself very well.

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Speaking with regards to the ‘Liver King’, Rogan stated-

“The ‘Liver King’ thing drives me nuts. Cos that guy’s on steroids. Just shut the f*** up.

Rogan added that he was eating healthy and nutrient rich food. However, he was dodging the main question regarding his physique.

“Do you know how rare it is to have a physique like that and not be on steroids? You would have to be in the 00000.1 percent of the human population.”

Only a genetic specimen can possess such stature through and through, so it becomes difficult to take his word for granted that he is indeed not on any substance.

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The ‘Liver King’!

Brian Johnson, also known as the ‘Liver King’, is a celebrated internet sensation. His ideals revolve around being a healthy and strong individual, whilst performing these acts in the way it was meant to do so.

In order to do so he also has his nine tenets of ancestral living! Although it makes sense and he has his pack of followers, sooner or later the ‘honeymoon’ phase will end, when things blow out of proportion!

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About the author

Anujit Vijayakumar

Anujit Vijayakumar


Anujit Vijayakumar is an NBA and Combat Sports writer at The SportsRush. An avid sports enthusiast, Anujit has been involved in the NBA and Combat Sports spectrum for over five years. Having joined The SportsRush in 2022, Anujit has been an integral member of both the basketball and combat sports community. He has published over 200 articles for NBA and over 150 articles for MMA primarily since his tenure began as a content writer.

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