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OG N0tail thinks the current DPC format is difficult and unhealthy.

ch33n1 L4NC3L077

OG n0tail thinks the current Dota 2 DPC is flawed and stressful

OG N0tail thinks the current DPC format is quite stressful. What is the reason behind the harsh remark from the 2-time tea-eye winner?

Johan “N0tail” Sundstein is one of the most successful Dota 2 players of all time. As the owner of Team OG and ex-Dota 2 captain, he knows the game better than most of us.

The DPC Winter Tour has its ups and downs. But, most importantly he has some depressing reviews against the current DPC format.

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This is what N0tail thinks about the current DPC road to TI:

” It’s stressful, it’s unhealthy and it’s not fun for us. I would say it’s not fun.

The comment came right after Valve announced redistribution of Major points to future majors. Right now, Winter Major has been forfeited.

OG n0tail is unhappy with current DPC circumstances.

It creates a divide in already increasing tensions between teams and organisers. Even though Dota 2 Esports has grown leaps and bounds, some of the core problems still exist.

One of the primary problems of the current format is the sheer lengthiness of it! Eventually, as meta changes, one has to keep up with others.

Esports is a career like any other. One has to invest a significant amount of time from their lives to prepare. Dota 2 is a new battle with every game.

With the current phase of the DPC forfeited, the teams looking to score points early are now empty-handed. Months of preparation down the drain.

As n0tail mentioned, it is impossible to stay at your peak 365 days a year doing the same thing. One has to take some time off for recuperation.

But, with the current announcement, there is no hope of leisure. Forget meeting family and friends until the TI hope is alive.

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The current DPC announcement from Valve has been put into question by many.

Notail mentions:

” If you wanna give some time to civility,  your family and life which eventually helps with your peaks for TI run, it is so hard right now in the system. That is why people try to peak early during the tour. And now, they have it even more difficult.

Moreover, one has to stay updated in accordance with the Meta. Meta shifts considerably every week or so. Even though the games happen once a week, there is too much happening in one week.

Teams have to keep looking for meta shifts, as other teams come up with new strategies. Ranked pubs too are necessary to keep up with the pace of the game. Hence, there is a definite issue amount of time that needs to be invested.

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N0tail finally mentions:

“For people like us who have invested so much time in the game, like Kuro Puppey, that is more than 10 years, this is too stressful………….

Dota 2 is more about spending the time wisely. There is too much stake at TI. That is what makes the matches hyped.

Also read: Dota Pro Circuit 2021-2022 Winter Major Update: Valve has cancelled the first Dota 2 Major of DPC Winter Tour 2022?

What does the future hold for the Dota 2 pros?

Let us hope, that the current situation gets resolved quickly. But, with rising Pandemic numbers, a Major could be a pipedream.

Rather, a long term solution and a smarter short term fix are required. The Dota 2 pros have been suggesting some changes and solutions. Maybe, it’s time that Valve listens to the community for once.

Honestly, thoughts of OG n0tail on DPC format is the same as most others. Though, teams that would not qualify for Majors would have some leisure.

Also read: Possibility of no-audience Dota 2 Winter Major 2022 as teams and pros continue to rebel against Valve’s decision of forfeiting major.

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ch33n1 L4NC3L077

ch33n1 L4NC3L077


•NFT aficionado •E-sports fanatic •Indie GameDev

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